Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My love as deep; the more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite.

Whoever the character designer for Infinite Space was, they need more work and more work fast. There wasn't a single rated unfuckable woman in the game (with the exception of Pipra, naturally), I wanted to write fapfics of all of them. However, that is a bit unreasonable so I narrowed down the list to Nia, Mariana, Musin, Soneto, Phyllis, and Glorinda. Phyllis is a bit young, so she might be getting replaced, but that is in the future. Anyway, this is part 1 with Nia. The fics after this will be more or less spoilery if you haven't played the game, but this one should be fine if you've only seen the first ten minutes. Nia and Yuri have obvious chemistry. Thus, this.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Orange on His Lips: EVAfic by Paper Funnels 64

(For lack of decent pics of Yui or Misato on my hard drive, this thing from days long past. And yes, it's SUPPOSED to match End of Evangelion in levels of WTF.)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

AWHB Stories: Fully Automated Pleasure

Did I cap this to celebrate the fic, or did I write the fic to celebrate capping this so it wasn't stretched and watermarked? You decide.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

AWHB Stories: The Trouble With Layovers

No time to play April Fool's with such serious lovers - here's some early chocolate for your Easter basket.